CCLA serverchess logo, knight, queen and pawn chess piece group

CCLA Server Chess

Copyright  © 2005– by CCLA.
All rights reserved.



Links to CCLA Server sections are listed below. These crosstables are constructed by ICCF and show ICCF ratings. Unless otherwise noted, completed games are rated by CCLA using CCLA ratings (see Server FAQ).

* = Completed Section

2017 SECTIONS (51)

2017 Winter Server Series
S70019 * S70029 *
S70039 * S70049 *
S70059 * S70069 *
S70079 *  
2017 Summer Server Series
S70139 * S70149 *
S70159 * S70169 *
S70179 * S70189 *
S70199 * S70209 *
2017 CCLA Regular Quads
S70089 * S70109 *
S70129 * S70229 *
S70239 * S70249 *
S70259 * S70269 *
S70289 * S70299 *
2017 CCLA Premier Quads
S70099 * S70119 *
S70219 * S70279 *
2017 North American
Server Class Championships
S71069 *
Class A Finals
S71059 *
Class B Finals
S71031 *
Class C Champ
Rd 1 Sect 1
S71041 *
Class C Champ
Rd 1 Sect 2
S71011 *
Class D Champ
Rd 1 Sect 1
S71021 *
Class D Champ
Rd 1 Sect 2
S71099 *
Class C Finals
S71109 *
Class D Finals
2017 Server Championship
S71079 *
ICCF Rules

(Not rated by CCLA)
S71089 *
CCLA Rules

2017 Server Team Championship
Division I Standings
S71999 *
Division I Bd 1
S71999 *
Division I Bd 2
S71999 *
Division I Bd 3
S71999 *
Division I Bd 4
S71999 *
Division I Bd 5
S71999 *
Division I Bd 6
Division II Standings
S72999 *
Division II Bd 1
S72999 *
Division II Bd 2
S72999 *
Division II Bd 3
S72999 *
Division II Bd 4
S72999 *
Division II Bd 5
S72999 *
Division II Bd 6


Links to CCLA Server sections in play are listed below. These crosstables are constructed by ICCF and show ICCF ratings. Unless otherwise noted, completed games are rated by CCLA using CCLA ratings (see Server FAQ).

* = Completed Section

2018 SECTIONS (53)

2018 Winter Server Series
S81011 * S81021 *
S81031 * S81041 *
S81051 * S81061 *
S81071 * S81081 *
2018 Summer Server Series
S81209 * S81219 *
S81229 * S81239 *
S81249 * S81259 *
S81269 * S81279 *
S81289 * S81299 *
S81309 * S81319 *
S81329 *  
2018 CCLA Regular Quads
S81091 * S81111 *
S81171 * S81191 *
S81331 * S81351 *
S81361 * S81371 *
S81381 *  
2018 CCLA Premier Quads
S81101 * S81181 *
S81341 *  
2018 North American
Server Class Championships
S81129 *
Class A Finals
S81139 *
Class B Finals
S81141 *
Class C
Rd 1 Sect 1
S81151 *
Class C
Rd 1 Sect 2
S81179 *
Class C Finals
S81169 *
Class D Finals
2018 Gustafson Memorial
S81189 *
S81199 *
S81809 *
S81819 *
S81829 *
S81839 *
S81849 *
S81859 *
S81869 *
S81879 *
S81889 *
S81899 *
S81909 *
S81919 *
[ top]]