Two games against the opponent of your choice. Thematic matches in some openings can be facilitated through a CCLA
coordinator (lists appear in the Chess Correspondent from time to time.) Note: matches are arranged by the players
themselves, then fees are sent in and an official match number is issued. CCLA does not arrange matches and new members
cannot "enter" matches like they do other events.
Entry fee is $3 for each player.
NOTE: All CCLA postal tournaments use a time limit of 10 moves in 30 days. All moves must be sent in algebraic
notation unless both players agree upon another unequivocal notation such as standard descriptive, ICCF numeric, etc. at the beginning
of the game. Players may exchange moves via email in all postal events when both players are agreeable. Note: continuous membership in
CCLA is required by our ByLaws, or all games, prizes and advancements will be forfeited.