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Upcoming Tournaments

2024 Postal En Prise

This is an open year round entry postal tournament. Sections are issued as soon as we have four players within a 300 point rating range. Entry fee is $5 with a prize of $10 for each section winner. Two games with each player. Time Limt 10 moves in 30 days. Traditional rated postal event which does not allow the use of chess engines to aid in move selection. Moves may be exchanged via US mails or email if both players agree to use email.

Open Registration
Director: Michael Buss
Type: Traditional
Platform: Postal


2024 Gustafson Memorial

Played annually, this special event is named in Herbert W. Gustafson's honor. When Mr. Gustafson passed away in 2008, he left a bequest to CCLA to support chess events like this, a semi-class event with sections of four players with two games per opponent. All games will be by server, with no chess engines allowed. The tournament is open to all residents of the United States and its territories, with no CCLA membership requirement and no entry fee. The prize for winning a section will be a $20 credit that can be used only for CCLA membership dues or, for CCLA members, as entry fees to CCLA events. Section prize is split in the event of a tie. NOTE: THERE IS NO FEE FOR THIS EVENT! SIMPLY SELECT PAY "DEDUCT FROM CCLA ACCOUNT".

Start Date: 2024-10-15
Director: Michael Buss
Type: Traditional
Platform: Server


2024 Postal Challenge Matches

Open year around with two games match against an opponent of your choice. Matches are arranged by the players themselves. Entry fee is $3 for each player. No prizes. Time limit 10 moves/30 days. Traditional postal rated chess event which does not allow the use of chess engines to aid in move selection. Moves may be made through US mail, or through email if both players agree to the use of email.

Open Registration
Director: Michael Buss
Type: Traditional
Platform: Postal


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